20 Ways TO Increase The Value Of Any Offer

Use this checklist to ensure you're creating the MOST value for your customers, so they look at your offers and jump at them, instead of 'humming and hawing' over them.

20 Simple Ways To INcrease Business...

Increasing your business can be as easy as increasing the perceived value of
your product. The more people see the worth in what you are selling, the more
likely they are to actually buy it for themselves.

Certainly, you should create a product that IS valuable. For those selling
information-based products, this means providing high-quality content that is
well-researched, well-written, and well-presented in a way that is uniquely your

Beyond that, there are many things you can do to boost the
“perceived” value of the product. That is, you can do some things that affect your potential customers’ opinion of how valuable your product is to them.

In this free checklist, I give you twenty ways to boost how other people see the benefits and costs of your product. Click below to download it now.

I'm Todd Herman.

I’ve worked with elite athletes, peak performers and entrepreneurial leaders for over 22 years, helping them achieve their most ambitious goals by becoming more resilient, creative, confident and courageous.

I’ve clocked over 15,000 hours on the field of play working one-on-one with people from all backgrounds and circumstances to develop an impenetrable mindset.

When you train & coach so many elite professionals, you get to see what they ACTUALLY do to win. My execution and mindset strategies and systems are used by businesses, entrepreneurs, entertainers, and athletes doing hard things.


Todd is a phenomenal coach, thinker and leader with an exceptional power to transform the performance of athletes and business peeps alike.
Kris Carr
New York Times Best-Selling Author

Learn 20 Ways To INcrease The Value Of 
What you're Selling...

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